Dear Pledge Listeners,
I am so excited to share with you Nancy Deabler’s story. She was the woman who most surprised me.
A traditional White, Southern woman, Nancy breaks every stereotype. She demonstrates what it means to link her liberal politics to her Christian values, and to have these values inform every part of her life. Nancy reminds us that we have to act now — our democracy, and Alabama's children, can’t wait.
Thank you so much for being part of the Pledge Podcast community. I am thrilled to have had over 1500 downloads so far, along with numerous social media posts, endorsements, and positive reviews. It’s a lot of listening, but we need many times that number to help secure funding for a second season of The Pledge. Please help us get the stories of these inspiring activists to more people, and give our democracy a much-needed shot in the arm.
Keep listening and sharing, and tell your friends to subscribe, listen, and be inspired to take action now! Together, we will strengthen our democracy.
Allison Daskal Hausman, Producer and Host
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