Dear Pledge Friends and Listeners:
Happy Almost Independence Day! I launched The Pledge Podcast on Presidents Day, about five months ago, and now, on the 4th of July, I already have a core group of hundreds of regular listeners, thousands of downloads, and inspiring feedback. Thanks to all of you for being a part of this amazing adventure!
But here’s the thing. As we move into Season Two, we need to find funding to support our small production team, travel and equipment budgets, and promotion to help build the listener community.
If you would be willing to help support Season Two of The Pledge, please consider contributing through my Fundly Page. Any amount is greatly appreciated, and all donors will be sent a Pledge Podcast button as a thank-you gift. Donors of $200 or more will also receive a stylish Pledge Podcast t-shirt, and all donors of $2500 or more will be interviewed for a special episode of The Pledge. And to the amazing people who have already donated, thank you!
I am trying to raise $25,000 to cover expenses for the next season, which feels like a modest budget for my incredible team but also a daunting fundraising goal - so I need your help!
What can you expect in Season Two? In this crucial election year, we will be featuring stories celebrating resilience and courage. Resilience is the strength to keep fighting, even when the odds are long, and to take defeat in stride on the long road to victory. Courage is the incredible spirit it takes to stand up to large, well-funded, and often scary forces, and fight for your rights as a citizen. We will be featuring some veteran activists who can share their perspective on the long view of history, along with young activists just finding their voices standing up to the NRA and the Koch takeover of college campuses and state and local politics. We have great leads for inspiring stories that you will want to hear as the antidote to the cynicism and nastiness of national politics - but we need your help to make it a reality.
To date, I have self-funded this project, which has been a true labor of love but not a sustainable business model! I am still pursuing foundation funding and possible partnerships with activist organizations, which would allow The Pledge to grow into a true network of activists around shared stories and mutual inspiration. The more you, as listeners, show your dedication and support, the more attractive the project will be for potential outside funding sources and partners.
So please visit my Fundly Page and help me make Season Two of The Pledge a reality. If all of our listeners donate what they can it will make a huge difference.
Thank you for your continued support!